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Why Are We Here? What's this all about anyways?

There are lots of great resources out there about arthritis, so how is one more going to contribute? What can we offer? Why should you be interested in us?

There are many great resources out there for folks with arthritis AND for folks who treat arthritis and 100s of other rheumatic diseases. We hope to share some of those with you here and we hope we are a pretty good resource too.

We want to provide information to you that is reliable, trustworthy and honest. This website will be a growing resource when you are looking to learn about rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, vasculitis and many other rheumatic diseases. We also hope to be a great resource for treatment options. We will provide information that is evidence based i.e. information that has good data and studies behind it.

HOWEVER, not everything has good data behind it. That doesn't mean it's bad (or good). It doesn't mean it's safe or unsafe. It just means we don't know enough yet.

That's where EVERYRHEUM comes in. We think there is a lot to learn from experience. We know there are so many people out there who have arthritis and rheumatic diseases who are looking for tips and tricks to make things even better. Fortunately, many of you have positive experiences, and these experiences are worth sharing.

Your story - EVERY STORY - is important and can help others learn and do better when it comes to living with arthritis and rheumatic diseases.

That's what we want to build here. An opportunity for individuals to share their unique experiences with others so we can learn from each other and be better for it. And that's experiences from individuals with rheum conditions, but also rheumatologists and future rheumatologists. EVERY person with a rheum condition or experience matters.

Now, there are some rules. We do not want to be a site that gets spammed with wacky product endorsements. We do not want to be a site that is only about complaining or only about the worst experiences. We want to be inspirational, educational and empowering. If that is what you are looking for, and if that is something you are willing to contribute to, you have come to the right place.

Welcome to

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